Faith at home

Thoughts about faith formation, children, adults, sacramental Christianity, and more, from a stay-at-home Episcopalian mom of 2 young sons in the southern Great Plains.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Godly Play in all-ages Bible study

On a whim, I googled "Godly Play blog" and immediately discovered some great stuff that describes Godly Play way beyond the Sunday morning class for kids approach.

First, a blog entry by Australian blogger Darren Rowse about his experiment with Godly Play in an all-ages Bible study. The blog entry is the author's reflections on the experience. It's great! Godly Play - The Aftermath

Second, New Zealand blogger Paul Fromont describes doing Godly Play with a multi-family group over for dinner at his home. Godly Play - Cambridge

Blogger Brian Draper has some interesting things to say about Godly Play and children's faith formation. Child's Play?

Here's a blog about those "I wonder" questions from Godly Play going solo as part of a Bible study. Un-Bible Study


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