Faith at home

Thoughts about faith formation, children, adults, sacramental Christianity, and more, from a stay-at-home Episcopalian mom of 2 young sons in the southern Great Plains.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Palm crosses become ashes

The ashes that become crosses on the foreheads of those who attend Ash Wednesday services were the palm fronds of last year's Palm Sunday. It turns out to be good timing, in a way, that this week I did some research and found a few new palm weaving resources for the Palm Sunday/Holy Week page.

Basketmakers has a great index to resources on palm braiding or weaving. This week I looked through one of the books they recommend and thought it was fascinating: Wheat Weaving And Straw Craft. Great basic cross-weaving instructions are on the King of Peace Episcopal Church, Kingsland, Georgia, Web site.


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