Faith at home

Thoughts about faith formation, children, adults, sacramental Christianity, and more, from a stay-at-home Episcopalian mom of 2 young sons in the southern Great Plains.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Look ahead to All Saints Day

Now is the time to pick up a couple of wonderful books about saints to add to your basket of children's books for All Saints Day. Maybe something about Saint Francis, or Saint Catherine of Siena, or Martin Luther, or a beloved relative like one of yours who has died?

If Halloween has a place in your family life, then while you're making or buying costumes and candy, think of adding a related book to your bookshelf as well. Maybe something about the Days of the Dead? Interestingly, this year's Halloween display signs at a Target store in my town look very much like the cut-paper decorations traditionally made in Mexico for the Days of the Dead.

Check out Faith at Home's All Saints Day and Halloween section for lots of ideas.